Survivors of all nations

Yesterday, I stumbled across this little gem of a verse in Isaiah:

Gather together, come, draw near, all you survivors of all nations. Come forward and urge your case, consult together.

ISAIAH 45 : 20-21

Firstly, it was the term “survivors” that struck me and immediately brought to mind the victims and survivors of abuse, and so that lens if you like has coloured the rest of my reading of this passage as it seems particularly relevant to today’s society. The second was “of all nations“. Abuse and the misuse of power are issues that occur in pretty much every religion, every political system and every country in the world. In short, wherever there are people there is the potential for a misuse of power. Some systems seem to invite it, others are designed to guard against it, but the misuse of power is a concern for all nations.

The unity and oneness inherent in that little phrase reminded me though that we are not alone, and that it is our human experience that unites us. Regardless of colour or creed or nationality or political party these are issues that we all face in one form or another, and given our shared humanity we all suffer and experience distress when subjected to mistreatment. I wanted in some way to encapsulate this universal truth in my creative contemplation of the verse and so chose to use a mandala stencil as my starting point in the center of the page.

As we learn more and more about recovery from abuse and other traumatic experiences victims/survivors are finding healing as they “gather together” in support groups where others have experienced similar things. Communities where they can find empathy, compassion, support and understanding.

We are also increasingly beginning to recognise the importance of creating safe ways for victims and survivors to “Come forward” and speak up. Given the context “Urge your case” seems to be encouraging survivors to state their point of view, to speak their uncomfortable truths. It says: Your voice is important too, and in so doing it says: You are important too.

“Gather together, come, draw near, all you survivors of all nations. Come forward and urge your case, consult together”.

ISAIAH 45 : 20-21

You can view the full image and read about the creative decisions and process over at An Artist’s Response…

If you live in the UK and have been affected by the content of this post you can find confidential support and a compassionate ear at VictimSupport or if your experiences are church related: Safe Spaces.

Jesus’ Easter Story in pictures

Here’s a collection of photographs from this year’s Holy Week exhibition in Tadcaster Methodist Church (2018).

This carefully curated exhibition takes you on a thought-provoking journey through Christ’s final days, with exhibits from artists in a range of mediums, including watercolours, acrylics, stained glass, cross-stitch, patchwork, mixed media and physical installations.

Triptych: Christ Crucified

Titles in order from left to right:  ‘For God So Loved the World’, ‘Emmanuel: God With Us’, and ‘The Ninth Hour’

Mixed media & acrylic.  Copyright © 2015, ‘An Artist’s Response…’.  All rights reserved.


Here’s a little slideshow I’ve put together showing some of my favourite exhibits.  I seem to have a bit of a thing for the 3D this year!

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Gripping.  Really moving.  Definitely worth a visit.


With many thanks to Rev. Mark Stennett and Tadcaster Methodist Church for the cuppa, the warm welcome and for creating such a wonderful reflective space.  I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store for next year!







Deep peace of the flowing air

‘Deep Peace’ Copyright © 2015, ‘An Artist’s Response…’  All Rights Reserved.

A Gaelic Blessing

Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you.
Deep peace of Christ,
of Christ the light of the world to you.
Deep peace of Christ to you.

God SO loved the world… Contemplations for Holy Week


‘For God So Loved the World’ Copyright © 2015, ‘An Artist’s Response…’  All Rights Reserved.


For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.

John 3:16-17 (NLT)

Broken Shards Cross – Contemplations for Holy Week

Do we really appreciate?…. Can we ever truly comprehend a love like this?… The love that willingly picks up and carries all the broken shards of our lives, all the sins of the world and bears them for us…

Broken Shards Cross
Mixed media: ‘Broken Shards Cross’ Copyright © 2014, ‘An Artist’s Response…’  All Rights Reserved

I thought you might like to see the actual picture from last night’s service (my previous post).